
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And Here's Chloe!

After 40 weeks and 4 days of anticipation, Chloe Ann Freeman decided to make her appearance on August 4th at 10:44 pm. Barrett and I went into the hospital at 4:00 am that morning to be induced and after a long day of contractions, two hours of hard pushing, and a scarey OR experience, I was finally able to hold our little gift at around 2:00 am. I can't believe that she is almost two weeks old. It seems like only yesterday we were in the hospital surrounded by nurses and visitors. It has been a crazy transition. I always thought that when people said that a baby will change your life, they meant the birthing I know that they meant when the baby comes home. Between healing, lack of sleep, and getting used to caring for someone a tenth of your size, this has been quite an experience. Barrett is a great dad and is constantly looking out for both of us. He is a great swaddler and comforter to Chloe and is the ultimate waiter and shoulder to sleep on for me. I'm not quite sure what I am good at yet but I am happy to report that I am healing little by little and am glad to be able to move around a bit better.
My mother is here this week and has been a great help. Chloe is quickly learning that Grandmothers are special people who will love and take care of you. Barrett's mom is coming in this weekend and I can't wait to see how she interacts with the new tiny.
Thank you all so much for continueing to pray for us. It has been crazy, but God has blessed us with a beautiful baby! Enjoy the pictures!
PS. Please do not copy and paste these pics into your facebook/twitter/myspace accounts. If you know of someone who would like to see them, please direct them to this page. I appreciate it. Love you all.


  1. Chloe is beautiful! We can't wait until she gets the chance to meet our little man. :) We are so glad that both of you are doing well! Babies are truly a blessing from God so treasure each moment (they will fly by). Let us know if you guys need anything at all. We love and miss you guys!
