
Friday, January 21, 2011

It's On

You know that you are truly a parent when:
1. the word cereal has nothing to do with Frosted Mini Wheats or Lucky Charms
2. People no longer acknowledge you but acknowledge your child
3. Diapers and toys end up in your work bag
4. You've been thrown up on yet you were not that disgusted
5. You begin eating 8 times a day too yet your cheeks aren't as cute big like the baby's
6. You are NEVER alone
7. Gas is something you say "GOOD JOB" to
8. Any errand becomes an hour long process
9. You make up random songs about objects in your house
10. One of your favorite times of the day is just cuddling and laughing with a tiny human with a goofy grin and a laugh that will make the toughest man melt.

Barrett and I agree that we just can't get enough of our tiny Bug. She is growing every day and soon she will be 6 months old! WOW! Half a year? Really? Time FLIES when you have a tiny one. Chloe can hold a conversation with the best of them...of course most people don't understand her but she loves to talk and sing. She has the sweetest singing voice, very folky. I can see her now barefooted with a guitar in hand on the stage at Merlefest. She loves to eat her feet and just about anything else she can find. We started her on cereal about two weeks ago. I will have to post pics of her first spoon attempt. The second went much better. And while now she is drinking it from a bottle, we are still working on taking the spoon to the next level.
Chloe has definitely mastered the art of sleep. She is teething this week to the extreme even though there are still not teeth. I thought for sure with the pain and with a stuffy nose she would be off at night but to my pleasant surprise, sleep has come out unscathed. She is out in 20 minutes.
Right now she is on the move, not crawling yet but always moving. Whether she is jumping or exploring, she is like her daddy. Unless she just wants to cuddle, she moves. Mary Elizabeth and Barrett taught her how to point out eyes on her toys and people. I came home one day from work and Barrett said "She learned a trick." At first I thought about the dog but realized that it was Chloe. I leave those two alone with a baby and she does magic. What can I say?
We have our next doctor's appointment on her 6th month birthday so we will make sure to update you all then. MUCH LOVE!!!!


  1. "MUCH LOVE" You said it all! Chloe is "MUCH LOVE"!

    We had a grand time with you guys last week. I love all three of you so very much!

  2. She is super precious! Can't wait to get my seat at that Merlefest. ;) (Hey, what does it mean when you don't have kids yet, and you and your husband still make up random songs about things around the house...??) Love you guys!!

  3. So cute! Still can't wait to meet Chloe!
