
Thursday, October 20, 2011

WOW, it has been a while!

I can't believe that Chloe is already 14 months. It is true that after you get through the newborn stage, life starts moving much faster. I blinked and all of a sudden my tiny baby has turned into a fast moving toddler, complete with teeth, personality, and legs. We moved to Chapel Hill this summer. Chloe loves it here. Our new house has provided her with a carpeted bedroom that she can play in and not be distracted by noisy feet at night (it's upstairs). It has also given her an open downstairs that she has claimed as her domain. Two night ago Barrett and I installed baby gates to keep her from escaping. Last night I baby proofed the kitchen cabinets since she has taken to pulling everything out.

Chloe stays with two wonderful women during the week. Ms. Gracie keeps her and another little girl Monday-Thursday and Chloe loves it. She gets to play outside and eat really good food. Ms. Gracie is the reason why Chloe has learned so much and become a confident little baby girl. Ms. Ashley comes to our house on Fridays. She and Chloe have a great relationship; even though Ashley only sees her once a week, Chloe knows her and has learned words and actions because of her patience. They play all day!

As you can see from the pictures, Chloe is thoroughly enjoying tailgating. We have a tarp and blanket that we put on the ground under the tent and Chloe walks around and plays and climbs on chairs. She has also been to the Well Walk a few times and loves to watch the football players walk by.

We gave her the first of many bubble baths in our bathtub. She didn't know what to do at first; she just sat there and stared. Barrett came in and started blowing bubbles in the air and she wanted to catch them. She never quite figured out the situation but she eventually found her toys and started licking the bubbles off of a dog. I know, gross.

There is so much more that I could write and many more pics to share but I will try to do better at posting more frequently. Love you all!

Yesterday Chloe's new front facing car seat came in so this morning she got to ride watching Mommy drive to work. She loved it. We played a game of copy cat while Chloe ate her bagel that she more chews on than eats.

Chloe loves to eat. Whether it's squash, potatos, chicken, or crunchies, she is in for a treat anytime. She also loves milk. She will only drink juice at Gracie's house.


  1. So happy to see some new pictures. I can hardly wait to keepp Chloe in a few weeks. She grows more precious with every day.

  2. So happy to see some new pictures. I can hardly wait to keep Chloe in a few weeks. She grows more precious with every day.
